Process Automation
Reinvented for
the digital enterprise
The art of improving constantly –
that´s business process management.
Including Process Booster
JIT presents


From idea to automation.

Start your journey to process automation. Agile, flexible JIT will support you on the road to growing efficiency, competitiveness and company value – from the kick-off workshop to the prototype, from the proof of concept to customized licensing, from installation to integration.

JIT Workflow and Process Automation

Here is a team of experts with broad, deep expertise for your project in the fields of Workflow Automation, Process Mining and Robotics Process Automation (RPA) – expertise that has grown in countless implementation projects between 2005 and today.

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Our Products

As a value added reseller, JIT supplements, adapts and combines world-leading software, creating individually customized solutions for quick, seamless integration into heterogeneous existing system landscapes. Expertise, flexibility, price transparency and a transparent communication culture make a difference.


Robotic Process Automation

Als Certified Partner von Automation Anywhere unterstützt Sie JIT bei der Automatisierung von Businessprozessen. Software-Bots machen Automatisierung so einfach, mühelos skalierbar und fehlersicher wie nie zuvor.

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Robotic Process Automation

RPA provides you with tools to create your own individual software robots for automating any business process.

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Als Certified Partner von Celonis, dem Weltmarktführer im Bereich Process Mining, bietet Ihnen JIT Softwarelösungen, die Geschäftsprozesse in real-time auf Basis von Systemdaten objektiv visualisieren.

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JIT Process Mining provides you with the greatest possible transparency, using Celonis to analyze existing processes in real time.

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Success Stories

You, too, will benefit from Just in Time project efficiency: Now is the perfect moment for shorter time-to-market, reduced costs and sustainable knowhow transfer.


Financial Operations

Reduction of 10 Million manual interventions

$15 Million

Annual savings


Financial Operations

Reduzierung von 10 Mio. manueller Eingriffe

$15 Mio.

Jährliche Einsparungen

Risk minimization

Purchasing Compliance

96% perfect purchase, 86% touches Invoices


Match rate

Risiko Minimierung

Purchasing Compliance

96% perfect purchase, 86% touches Invoices





CamundaCon | The Process Orchestration Conference

5-6. Oktober 2022 | Berlin Es ist wieder CamundaCon und wir, die Prozessmacher von JIT und führender Platinum Partner sind wieder mit dabei. Wir freuen uns, Sie heuer wieder auf der CamundaCon 2022...

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JIT & Camunda Webinar 14.12 2021Die Reise von SUPER zu EXZELLENT – #CE2EE #CAMUNDA Wir dürfen Sie herzlichst zu unserem Webinar am 14.12. 2021, 14 Uhr einladen. Thema diesmal: Chancen und Möglichkeiten beim Wechsel...

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Maler oder Macher sein

Author: Mirko Pawlak

Digitale Transformation ohne Grenzen. Ich bin Prozessmacher. Ich hocke tief drinnen im Maschinenraum und schau mir an, was das Unternehmen einzigartig macht. Ich tu das gern, denn jeder Prozess ist lebendig und einzigartig....

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How to deploy a Camunda Spring Boot application to a shared application server

Author: Maximilian Kamenicky

Context Do you still remember our Blog: How to deploy a Camunda Spring Boot application to an external application server? In that blog, my colleague Gerardo Manzano Garcia explained the steps necessary to...

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