Deployment-aware process engines
Situation In heterogenous camunda clusters not all of the deployed process engines might contain the same process applications; some process engines may be unable to execute certain process definitions because e. g. delegate code is not shared in the database. Problem Each process engine in a camunda cluster queries the database for available jobs and […]
Working with TDD
Best practices, naming conventions, processes to keep in mind, development practices and tools to use for a complete tested/testable environment. Naming conventions • Separate implementation from test codeBenefits: avoids packaging tests together with the production binaries • Keep packaging of test classes the same as the unit they’re testingBenefits: Helps finding and running tests obviouslye.g.: src/main/java/ […]
How to deploy a Camunda Spring Boot application to an external application server
Context For a Camunda project it is generally recommended as good practice, to do the development using a so-called “Camunda Spring Boot application”. This provides a very fast and out-of-the-box environment to code and test processes. One advantage is that these projects come with embedded infrastructure. Normally, this is the embedded infrastructure of a Camunda […]
Business Process Automation
Was ist Prozess Automatisierung und wie kann man davon profitieren? Jeder weiß, dass Zeit das wertvollste Gut ist, das wir besitzen. Im digitalen Zeitalter, in dem wir derzeit leben, wird viel Zeit verwendet, um sich wiederholende Aufgaben zu erledigen. Kurzfristig ist es produktiv, kann aber optimiert werden. Die Digitalisierung hat enorme Auswirkungen auf alle Unternehmen […]
Zeebe – Meeting the new kid in town
Zeebe is workflow engine for microservices orchestration developed by Camunda and made publicly available in late 2019. Wait… what ? Let’s define first what a workflow engine is, and what the concept of microservices orchestration is all about. Workflow engine Software application that manages business processes. It manages what activities should take place after the […]
What are the advantages of taking an official Developers Training? – The Camunda Case.
In our branch the ability to bring people to a productive pace is very important and can be a daunting process. The amount of knowledge to be learnt is considerable and a good strategy has to be in place. In the case of JIT, where we pursue that each and every individual reaches a high […]