What we stand for

Our corporate culture forms the basis for our professional work in process automation and workflow automation.

We are a team of experts with comprehensive experience in automation and the optimisation of business processes. We are incredibly enthusiastic about this exciting technology and about solving our clients’ problems through teamwork, thus helping to make them a good deal fitter for the future and for the competition. This passion is expressed in a series of values that we share and that shape the way we work.

Our clients’ needs take first priority.

The starting point of our work is always to immerse ourselves in the world of the client. We familiarise ourselves with all aspects of the respective business area – after all, only by doing so can we develop sustainable solutions together and at eye level. We only consider a project to be successfully concluded once our clients are also satisfied and, in the best-case scenario, thrilled with the outcome. 

Exceptional team spirit and respectful approach

People – their experience and creativity are the true capital at JIT. This is why we place enormous value on creating a unique, exciting work environment that promotes cooperation and gives each individual space to fully develop their talents. In accordance with this, mutual appreciation and openness are especially encouraged.

Our values


We believe that cooperation between people who share the same values is one of the most important foundations for joint success.


We are convinced that diversity makes our company stronger and better. Colleagues from more than 10 countries work at JIT.


Remaining competitive requires a combination of personal growth and the pooling of strengths. Only those who recognise future trends early on and develop reliable solutions will be able to position themselves successfully in the long term.


“Maybe” is not in our dictionary. We rely on factual knowledge and gather experts from all possible special fields in the JIT team. We call them IT Heroes, because their creativity, their knowhow and their problem-solving expertise make even boldest projects feasible. Bring our knowledge into your project: efficiency is an effect of excellence.


“Later” is not an option: keeping deadlines is our religion and your go-live schedule is the most important date in our calendar. A perfectly coordinated team races to beat the ticking clock. They can rely on each other blindly. Creativity overcomes obstacles. When hitting walls, additional resources are thrown into the battle, and every schedule is met. That´s what makes the difference between mere IT experts and real IT heroes.

“We support your efficient planning and the ongoing optimization of your business processes.”

Thorsten Guggenberger


“About” is not an answer: we believe in complete transparency. Also, and especially, when it comes to our pricing policy. Our offers and cost statements build on long years of software business experience. They are precise, transparent in all details and, above all, reliable. Which greatly simplifies the decision-making process for our clients.


“Dependent” is not a business goal: we are service providers, and you are perfectly free to decide which of our services you use. Do you prefer to organize service & maintenance independently after installing our software? No problem. Because for us, partnership is not dependency, rather a symbiosis for your and our mutual benefit.


“Data protection” is not a mere suggestion: IT security for your company data is a cornerstone of our business and shapes every single step of our work processes.


Our work has great influence on the efficiency, performance, security and, ultimately, the business success of our customers. This awareness shapes our thinking and actions.


Competitive pressure and strict deadlines shape our work lives, but the efficiency, functionality, and operational reliability of our solutions is our livelihood and here, compromises are not an option.


We prefer to think through every task to its end, and this end is often far in the future. We are proud to deliver solutions today that will still be very much “today” at the end of a very long lifecycle.


Working with machines does not mean you have to become a machine yourself. We cultivate our human qualities and treat each other with appreciation.


We do not stop at understanding our own business. We need to understand our customer´s business as well to provide excellent solutions.


We are of course proud of the elegant solutions, creative innovations and perfect products we create, but we are never satisfied before our customers are.


Timetables that do not require a plan B, cost transparency from the first to the last project step, and capacity reserves for every conceivable emergency: our customers can rely on this.


We rely on each other and support each other. As service providers who are proud of their excellence in performance and service.

Our Products


Robotic Process Automation

Als Certified Partner von Automation Anywhere unterstützt Sie JIT bei der Automatisierung von Businessprozessen. Software-Bots machen Automatisierung so einfach, mühelos skalierbar und fehlersicher wie nie zuvor.

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Robotic Process Automation

RPA provides you with tools to create your own individual software robots for automating any business process.

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Als Certified Partner von Celonis, dem Weltmarktführer im Bereich Process Mining, bietet Ihnen JIT Softwarelösungen, die Geschäftsprozesse in real-time auf Basis von Systemdaten objektiv visualisieren.

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JIT Process Mining provides you with the greatest possible transparency, using Celonis to analyze existing processes in real time.

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